A Heart for Motherhood
Motherhood is a profound journey of sacrifice, love, and trust. It reflects God’s care for us as we care for our children.
Remember how God cares for you as you care for your children. Trust your instincts, and do what works for your family until it doesn’t — then adapt.
Encouragement for Moms
Pour out your heart to God. He cares about the big and small details of your life as a mom.
Specific ways the Lord spoke to me with each pregnancy:
“Meet Me in the process. My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness.” (Charlotte’s pregnancy).
“I am whole and wholly loved; God fills in the gaps” (Sierra’s pregnancy).
“This baby will be a blessing, not a burden” (Caleb’s pregnancy).
The themes “comfort” and “Shepherd” were highlighted”
These experiences taught me to:
Pour out my heart to the Lord.
Trust His guidance in little things.
Use the Jamie Winship Questions to ask God daily: “What do you want me to know?” “What do you want me to do?” to be led by the Spirit in daily moments.
Creating a peaceful home:
Your attitude sets the tone — you’re like the thermostat.
Returning yourself to a place of peace & joy as quickly as possible is so vital to everyone’s wellbeing.
Your husband and kids will mirror your attitude.
You’re the heart of your home.
Support system essentials:
Pray for specific help.
Ask for help directly.
Accept help when offered.
Remember: You’re not meant to do this alone.
People are blessed to help and will say no if they can’t.
A comforting truth:
It won’t always be like this. If you’re in a hard season know that it won’t last too long. If you’re in a sweet season, cherish it but don’t put too much confidence or hope in it. When things change or different variables come in God is still the same and this too shall pass.